Tuesday, May 21, 2013

The Grand Ol' Opry

We booked an afternoon tour while we were still on the road, but once again, traveling at this time of year, it maybe wasn't necessary.  Better safe than sorry, however! 

I am sure country fans took far more from the experience than we did, but it was interesting to hear all about the performers and the history of the building.  This is of course the NEW Ol' Opry, not only replacing the Ryman Theatre, but also having been rebuilt after the flood of 2010 left it with 8 feet of water!  

Minnie Pearl's dress and hat. 

 Just a couple of the many dressing rooms. 

And the hallway to those rooms. 

The view from the stage......... 

 And the famous circle from the original stage of the Ryman. 
They saved it during the flood by going in in a rowboat and pulling it up! 

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