Thursday, May 30, 2013

Interesting people

Last year we had seen a small museum in Utah dedicated explorer Powell, who made multiple explorations of the Colorado River in a wooden rowboat!  You can imagine them taking the rapids in that!  One of the rapids we saw from an overlook rated an 8 out of 10.  A monument nearby was erected to Powell, who traversed below.  

Teddy Roosevelt, champion of the National Parks, visited, and was photographed by the Kolb brothers. 

Very interesting story of an English immigrant named Fred Harvey who vastly improved railroad food and service, and built many hotels along the train routes.  He hired and trained thousands of young women, The Harvey Girls, who were trained in service and manners, wore uniforms, signed contracts to not marry for a year, and lived in the upper levels of his hotels.  

 Mary Coulter, once a teacher, became a famed architect, and in 1901 started working for Harvey, creating landmark hotels, including many in the park, and this rest stop.  Listed on the National Register, her work reflects Pueblo Revival, Spanish, Mission, and streamline moderne, as well as craftsman.....very interesting.  Two huge fireplaces, here and in one of the lodges, reflect the land, with layers of rock, like the strata of the canyon, and make me think of Frank Lloyd Wright and his work as it relates to the  countryside.

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